Thursday, April 5, 2007

10 Quality Play Tips For Your Cat

Boredom can sometimes be the root of feline behavior problems such as neurotic chewing, compulsive grooming, over eating, and in some cases aggression.

Even 15 minutes of quality play with your cat could prove to be beneficial when it comes to improving your cat's mental health and physical well-being. In addition, playing with you cat regularly will also help to strengthen your bond.

Here are some fun ideas to add a bit of excitement to your cat's every day routine.

PAPER BAG (without handles)

Cats love little places where they think nobody can see them. Get out a paper bag, and watch how much fun your cat will have with such a simple item. They love to play in and out of it. You could even cut out a few holes in the bag and put in one of his favorite cat toys. This is sure to keep him busy!


Stuff one of his toys in between the couch cushions, or under a pillow. Your kitty will enjoy this hunting game. Once he has retrieved it, try another hiding place.


If you don't have a cat toy which you could dangle in front of your cat, create one. Simply tie a string to the end of a chopstick and attach an object to the string. You could try a feather or one of his existing toys.

Cats love this game of back and forth SWAT!


Make sure the toilet paper role has no toilet paper on it. He will bat it around for quite a while. You could also put an object in it, such as a solid ball that has a bit weight to it, and then tape up the both ends of the roll. This gives it a wobble when he bats it around.


Your cat will enjoy taking the tissue out one by one. This could make a huge mess, but it's worth it and your cat will have great fun doing this!


Take caution when using a laser light. You should never shine it in the eyes!!! A flash light may be used instead.

Your cat will love to chase the little light around the floors and walls; it's a great challenge for him and gives him a bit of a workout.


They are always BIG fun for your cat!


Your cat will surely enjoy a stuffed sock! Stuff an old sock with different sized cotton balls and a bit of catnip, and watch that crazy cat go!


Slide an ice cube back and forth across your kitchen floor. You now have a game of feline ice hockey that he is guaranteed to win!


A couple of ping pong balls dropped in your empty bathtub is another great way to keep him entertained.

These are games your cat and you can enjoy together. Two or three play sessions a day, preferably at times when he tends to be most active will keep him happy and fit.

Have fun!

Monday, April 2, 2007

Potty Training Readiness for the Squeamish

"Potty Training" - Do these words send chills up and down your spine? Do you lay awake at night wondering if keeping your child in diapers until he graduates high school makes you a bad parent? Perhaps you are even considering taking out an ad to hire someone to do the job for you? Just because you do not want to keep diapering your toddler, it doesn't mean you are looking forward to potty training either. Well fear not, there is plenty of information that has been written on how to complete this daunting undertaking. We will explore some main points further here to help the faint-hearted parent with potty training.

There are opinions on both ends of the spectrum when it comes to potty training. Some experts think that you should pretty much leave the child alone and let them advance at their own pace. I know that as a squeamish parent you hope for that. However, while it is true that some children can train themselves with little guidance, other authorities believe that the parent ought to be keenly involved in this effort. The approach that most parents should take probably lies somewhere in between these two views in varying degrees depending on the individual child's needs.

Due to the expense and inconvenience of diapers, most parents would like their toddlers out of them as soon as possible. But what is the proper age for beginning to toilet train? The age range in reality is large spanning anywhere from as early as 18 months to as old as three years of age. Most children will fall within these limits, although some perfectly normal children can be younger or older. The whole process once started may take up to nine months or so to finish.

So how can you narrow down the starting time for your child to familiarize him to the idea of using the potty? Looking for readiness indications are a better gauge than the age of a child to know when a child is ready to attempt potty training. It may be time to begin once he is in the stage of development where he exhibits many of the signs listed below:

Physical Signs

1. Ability - Your child is capable of dressing and undressing. He can pull down his own pants and underpants. Then pull them back up again. It is a good idea to have easier fastening and looser fitting clothes.

2. Actions - He fidgets, wiggles, strains and even grabs the area. He may hide behind the sofa, which shows that he is becoming aware of the sensations.

3. Urination - Your child is able to stay dry for over two hours and instead of urinating in small amounts during the day, he urinates less times but in larger amounts. His wet diaper is now becoming bothersome to him.

4. Defecation - Your child does not have a bowel movement while sleeping at night and during the day they are becoming more regular.

Intellect Signs

1. Communication - He has words for going potty, such as number one or two, tinkle and poop, etc. He tells you that he has a dirty diaper or he has to go potty. He is able to understand what you are telling him to do, "Let's go to the potty." for instance.

2. Understanding and Awareness - Your child is becoming conscious that urination and defecation are going to occur or are occurring.

3. Curiosity - He is becoming inquisitive about his private parts and yours too. He conveys curiosity about using the potty by watching you or asking about it.

4. Imitation - At this age, there is a fierce longing to imitate loved ones and he tries to mimic their actions.

Emotional Signs

1. Approval - Your child seeks to gain your approval and acceptance.

2. Personal Growth - He wants to be his own person. He is a big boy and wants to wear big boy underwear. He asserts his abilities by stating he can do things by himself.

Once these signs have begun manifesting, it is time to initiate your child to the concept of toilet training by buying a potty, potty training books and aids. It is important to realize there will be some backsliding at times. Just remember to relax and not pressure your child or you may create performance anxiety in him which could lead to holding it in. Not only is this counter-productive, but it is not healthy as he could develop anal fissures. Realize also that various tactics may work on one child and not another. They also may need to be revised from time to time as the child grows and develops.

Disclaimer - Please remember this article is not meant to replace competent medical consult. If you have any concerns whatsoever, seek advice from your pediatrician.

Sunday, March 18, 2007

How Your Actions Affect Your Teen's Body Image

Today’s society places emphasis on the outward appearance of our bodies more than ever before. Our society places a high value on the idea of being impossibly thin. A recent study has shown that the majority of the models we see in print ads and on TV are actually thinner than 98% of most of the women and young girls in the United States.

This is very ironic considering that our society is also one in which food is made to be delivered fast and in large quantities. It is no wonder that so many young women and girls in their early teens are confused about how their body should look.

If you turn on the TV you will notice all the incredibly thin females who are made out to be the perfect female on commercials taunting everything from make up to automobiles. Then you'll see another commercial which is for some type of fast food which is urging you to double the size of your order, even though the kid's meal will fill the stomachs of most adults.

Parents have a larger role when they think they do in how their children view their own bodies. Parents can influence a teen by using not only words, but also through body language. Your glances and gestures can influence a child negatively whether or not you mean for them to be negative. It is therefore advised that when you speak to a teen about eating or about weight issues in general be careful in the type of body language that you use. Each action or gesture, including facial expressions that we make, carries a message of its own. When talking to your teen about healthy eating or possible weight issues, be certain that you are conscious of the facial expressions and gestures which you are using.

How you discuss your own body in front of your children will influence how they feel about their own bodies. By speaking of your body in a negative way it is possible for your child to view their own body in a negative way, especially if you have certain traits in common with your child. Rather than saying how fat you feel, just say that you think you would feel better and have more energy if you began an exercise program. Talking about your body in this manner puts a positive spin which outweighs the negative aspect that you are speaking of.

If there's something about your body that bothers you do not try to hide it under baggy clothes and say that it is taken care of. It is far better for you to admit that you have a problem area on your body, and take the proper action to get it under control rather than to teach your young teen to hide a particular part of their body. Hiding a part of their body will teach a teen to be ashamed of that part of their body, and could cause the child to have self image issues which can follow them into adulthood.

It is no secret how we perceive our bodies, as by our body language and casual conversation we let those around us know exactly how we feel about our body image. It is for this reason that while we are around our children we should try to maintain a level of positive words and actions about our bodies.

Although teens pretend to tune parents out, they actually tune into our actions and mimic our good and bad habits. We can often give teens their best advise by not saying anything but by acting as role models. The way you eat, exercise and spend your free time will influence your teen. By having them grow up in an atmosphere of healthy eating, good body image and regular fitness will be the best lesson of all.

Saturday, March 17, 2007

5 Ways To Extent The Life of Your Wig

You want to look good; you've bought a new wig and are all ready for the grand makeover. In all the joy of trying the new look you forget to enquire hot to keep your good wig looking great. Well, here's how you can keep your lace wig in perfect condition.

Lace wigs are lightweight, comfortable and give you perfect look.

When you first receive the lace wig put your hands inside the wig and give it a gentle shake. This will loosen and open out hair. If the hair is straight use a wig brush to gently comb it through. If it is a curly wig, simply run your fingers through the hair.

You can wear your lace wigs for up to 30 wearing days or 6 weeks depending on the adhesive used. If you use the wig in hasher environments like strong direct sunlight or smoky conditions you must wash the wig more often. The best way to know when your wig needs a wash is if it gets sticky, tangled and seems lifeless. It's just like your own hair so you will know when it is time.

Gently brush the wig at the bottom to untangle any knots. Soak the wig for a few minutes and then wash with a wig shampoo in the wash basin. Never out it in the washing machine. End with a rinse. Be gentle at all times.

To dry, pat the wig with a towel. Remember, never wring the or else it will loose shape. Don't air dry it or comb when dripping wet as well.
Hang the wig on a wig stand to dry. You can spray a wig conditioner and then gently use your fingers to smoothen it out.

Use Proper Products
Your lace wigs have been treated with care. You must use only dedicated and specially formulated wig care products like shampoos, conditioners and brushes.

Often you may come across certain products which are advertised as being mild and definitely not suitable for your wigs. They may actually make your wig dull and loose their colour.

Do not use hair brushes with nylon bristles especially on curly wigs. The curls will open out. Avoid hair spray, mousse and permanent hair colour's as well.

Also remember to use the products correctly and in right quantities.

Avoid Damaging Agents

Excessive heat and cold can play havoc with your wig. Avoid direct heat from ovens, blow dryers, clothes dryers, hot boiling water, barbecues and such objects. You can wear a cloth on your head to minimize any effect.

If you are caught in the rain, snow or steam like conditions just wait for your wig to dry before you do anything.

Avoid Friction

It is preferred that you remove your wig when sleeping. Friction with the pillow or high furniture, car head rests etc can cause wear and tear and cut short the life of your wig.

Just bear these points in mind and you can have great looking lace wigs that last for a long time.

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

10 Things You Should Know About A Newborn

It's exciting to bring a newborn home. However, that excitement might turn to worry when you start to notice and experience the common unpleasant things about newborns. If you are a first time mother, here are 10 things you should know about a newborn.

1. Sticky Poo
Don't be shocked when you see your baby's first few bowel movements. It is a greenish black, sticky and tarry substance called meconium. Eventually baby's stools will become mustard yellow and runny. This is normal. The number of times baby has a bowel movement can very between 1-2 times to after every feed.

2. First Feedings
You've heard that breast milk is the best source of nutrition and so you've decided to breastfeed your baby. But you try to squeeze some milk out that first day (just to see if you have any) and nothing much comes out. You wonder how can my baby survive on this? Well, baby can. Your milk will only come in about day three. Before that, what you produce is colustrum. Colustrum has antibodies needed to boost your baby's immune system. It also has a laxative effect to help baby get rid of meconium. Although is doesn't seem like much, it is sufficient for your newborn. Encourage baby to suckle often as this will build your milk supply for the following days.

3. Milia
Baby's face may be filled with tiny white pimples, especially around the cheeks, nose and chin. These are called milia and the clogging of baby’s immature oil glands causes them. Do not attempt to scrub or squeeze them. No treatment is necessary so don't rush out to buy any acne cream or ointment. They will go away within a few weeks. Just keep washing with water and be patient.

4. Gooey Eyes
Baby may find it difficult to open the eyes due to some sticky discharge. Wet some cotton wool with cool, boiled water to clean the eyes. Best to wipe from the inner to the outer corner of the eyes and fresh cotton for each side.

5. Cradle Cap
Even if you wash your baby's head everyday, you may find a yellowish layer of flaky scales and crust developing. Cradle cap is seborrhiec dermatitis of the scalp. How to get rid of it? In mild cases, you could briskly massage some baby oil or olive oil to loosen the scales. Then thoroughly shampoo the head and gently scrub out the scales with a soft brush or terry towel.

6. How To Hold Baby
Your small little bundle of joy seems so fragile but babies are in fact, quite sturdy. The only thing you need to know about holding newborns is to always support their head and neck. If you have not had much experience carrying babies before, don't worry. Just follow this one rule and you will be okay.

7. Umbilical Cord
Don't be afraid to touch the umbilical cord. It needs to be cleaned. Gently wipe off any sticky substance and dried blood with a cotton bud wet with water or rubbing alcohol. The umbilical cord will shrivel and turn black before it drops off. This usually happens after a week or so. Pay attention to any signs of infection such as smelly discharge, redness or swelling around the navel. To avoid infection, keep the area dry and aired. It helps to fold the diaper down so it doesn't cover the cord.

8. Jaundice
Baby may look a little yellow in the skin and eyes due to jaundice. This yellow tinge is due to the excess of bilirubin in the blood. There are two kinds of jaundice: physiological and pathological. Physiological jaundice is not harmful and will disappear after 7-10 days when baby's liver matures. It is the liver that breaks down the bilirubin. Pathological jaundice is when the level of bilirubin in the blood reaches a dangerous level. This kind of jaundice can lead to mental retardation, cerebral palsy and deafness. To reduce the level of bilirubin, phototherapy is needed. You are also advised to breastfeed often.

9. Skin Condition
Don't expect smooth baby skin the first few days after birth. What you will find is skin that looks dry and peels off. You may put baby oil or baby lotion if you wish.

10. Moro Reflex
Sometimes your peacefully sleeping baby suddenly throws out his arms and legs, like being startled. This is called the Moro Reflex. Loud noise, sudden touch or movement may trigger it. This natural reflex is baby's way of reacting to his inborn fear of falling. If it bothers you to see baby suddenly flail arms and legs, then swaddle him for a sense of comfort and security.

These 10 things are just the tip of the iceberg. Obviously there is much more to learn about caring for a newborn. If you are a first time parent, don't feel overwhelmed. You will soon be the expert on your baby. Experience is a wonderful teacher. So don't just fret and worry, remember to also enjoy the miracle of life before you.