Whoever you pick, looking for air-conditioning contractors to work on your home, going with recommendations from friends and family, advertisements, Craigslist listings or anything else, you need to make sure that a person you hire happens to be in possession of a valid license to practice the trade, that he has a few years of experience in the business, and who seems to not be a one-man show. You also want to look for someone who offers a reasonable warranty on any work done. Starting off, you can usually tell that a contractor is a serious businessman by the way he offers free on-site inspection and estimates.
While you may be completely used to clicking “I agree“and “Next” when you are faced with a user agreement or contract when you install a piece of software and computer, you can't let that influence how you trust contracts in general. In the computer world, contracts are pretty much for the protection of the companies that make software. In the real world, you need to look at contracts more carefully than that because those contracts are meant for your protection. Make sure that the contract clearly refers to you by name and address and that there is information that clearly identifies the contractor in question. It needs to make valid statements about the quality of work promised, what your rights are if you aren't satisfied, and when you can expect to see the job completed.
When you're presented with a bill, carefully look through every line to make sure that you understand where all the charges come from. Most air-conditioning contractors ask for a small deposit ahead of getting started with any actual work. If yours asks for one, you probably need to get a receipt for it. Usually, companies asked for full payment in advance are to be avoided. Should you not be satisfied with the quality of work done, you'll have nothing to hold them to their word with.
Make sure that the contractor you hire comes with a few good references. Every reputable contractor in the country has a membership with the BBB. Going with a contractor like this, you get to take a look at their complaint records. If there is a contractor who seems to be receiving quite a high number of complaints, that could set you thinking.
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